
I, _______________, hereby irrevocably consent and authorize Cintas Corporation and any of its subsidiaries (“Cintas”), and anyone else it may authorize, to use the photographs and/or motion pictures and video taken of me, including my name, likeness and voice, as well as any testimonial statements made by myself (“Publicity Items”), and any reproduction of them in any form, in connection with Cintas’ “Save Stories” campaign, and for the purpose publicizing, promoting, and advertising Cintas’ activities in any media now known or later developed, in perpetuity and throughout the world.

I further agree to release and hold harmless Cintas, its representatives, affiliates, subsidiaries, agents, officers, directors, employees, successors and assigns, from any and all claims, demands, losses, costs, expenses or damages, including without limitation reasonable attorney’s fees, which may arise out of or in connection with any claim by me or alleged to be on my behalf resulting from the use of the Publicity Items, the use of which I now knowingly and voluntarily grant to Cintas, and the full ownership rights of which I now knowingly and voluntarily grant and assign to Cintas. I further acknowledge that any testimonial statements contained within the Publicity Items represent my own, personal opinion.

I further acknowledge that Cintas is the owner of all rights in and to the photograph(s), motion pictures and video of my image described above.

Signature: _______________

Date: _______________