ANSI/ISEA Z308.1-2021 Updates

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Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) medical services and first aid regulation (29 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 1910.151) paragraph (b) states: “In the absence of an infirmary, clinic, or hospital in near proximity to the workplace which is used for the treatment of all injured employees, a person or persons shall be adequately trained to render first aid. Adequate first aid supplies shall be readily available.”
Performance requirements and suggested contents of first aid kits are given in the American National Standards Institute/International Safety Equipment Association (ANSI/ISEA) Z308.1 American National Standard – Minimum Requirements for Workplace First Aid Kits and Supplies standard. ANSI standards become mandatory only when they are adopted by OSHA. ANSI Z308.1 has not been adopted by OSHA. However, OSHA has often referred employers to ANSI Z308.1 as a source of guidance for the minimum requirements for first aid kits and does so in Appendix A to 1910.151 – First aid kits (Non-Mandatory).
On April 15, 2022, ANSI approved the latest edition of ANSI/ISEA Z308.1-2021. The 2021 edition is the sixth revision of this voluntary consensus standard that was first published in 1978. It became effective on October 15, 2022.
Below are some areas in which ANSI has provided recent guidance:
- Ongoing maintenance of first aid kits
- New items required and recommended by ANSI for first aid kits
- Employer to conduct workplace hazard assessment
- Quantity and location of first aid kits
- Over-the-counter medications
- Bleeding Control Kits in the workplace
Helpful sources:
- Click here for access to the full standard
- Click here to review the ANSI blog
- Click here to review OSHA's guidance on ANSI application
ANSI Z308.1-2021 has been identified by OSHA as a source of guidance for minimal contents for first aid kits. Following ANSI Z308.1-2021 does not necessarily result in OSHA compliance. ANSI Z308.1-2021 has not been adopted by OSHA. Cintas makes no representation, determination, or suggestion concerning which particular products should be included in an employer’s first aid kits. The employer is solely responsible for evaluating potential hazards and for making determinations relating to the type and number of first aid kits needed at the worksite(s), the placement of first aid kits at the worksite(s), and the quantities and types of supplies and equipment in the first aid kits. Pursuant to 29 CFR 1910.151 (Appendix A), the employer should consider consulting with the local fire/rescue department, appropriate medical professionals, or the local emergency room to assess the specific needs of its worksite(s).